Just a blog post to document some presentations I gave recently at Be2camp in London. The first one was on Enterprise 2.0 – it’s about the People, not the Technology – this is based on my previous blog post and it’s also a presentation I did at the BarCamp Sydney 3. Similarly to the presentation at BarCamp, this one was rushed and not presented well, but unfortunately this one has Video too 🙁
The second one was much more fun – it was a Pecha Kucha session at Be2camp and it was about what bought me to being in London – about My Architecture Inspired Travels. Again there is video for this one too. Pecha Kucha sessions are meant to be 20 slides of 20 seconds duration, my slide deck was close to 40 slides and I hope I got it done near to the 6mins 40 seconds.
I had prepared a third presentation – a case study about the use of RFID tags on a construction site, but that can wait for another day.
I need to do a blog post about how fantastic Be2Camp was as an event, but that will be a bit later.