Thanks to the Be2Camp unorganisers, the date and venue for the Be2Camp is now confirmed. It is now on Friday October 10 at the London Building Centre.
Be2Camp is an unconference about the use of Web 2.0 tools in the Built Environment industries such as Architecture, Construction and Engineering. With a bit of Sustainability and Virtual Worlds stuff (eg building in Second Life) stuff thrown in.
We also now have a new Website at So now we need Sponsors, and Agenda, Speakers etc… lots of work to do in the 2 months we have left to go…
I’m very exited about this and even though I will be very jetlaged as it is the day after I get to London, I would like to present on some topic around this subject.
Please come and join our Ning site and come to the Unconference when it’s on. We are even hoping to have virtual participation at the conference, so you don’t even have to be in London.