Now that BarCamp is over, I’m having withdrawl symptoms. I really loved the interactivity and talking tech to other people. At my work I can talk about construction all day but as soon as I start talking tech people’s eyes just glaze over. So it was really nice to have a day and evening of talking tech all day. I think being a tech-head is a very solitary existence. Yes, we can blog, IM, read other blogs and think we are involved in what’s going on out there in the blogosphere, but are we really involved? Or is it just me, showing my age – I’m not in the IM / Myspace generation, so maybe others are getting enough personal interaction on line. Anyway I’m probably rambling by now, but I’ll finish off by saying, I want More. More interaction with other tech-heads like me.
Jodie Miners
Jodie Miners is the Director of The Detail Department. She can help your business move from vision to reality with the right systems for your business.
Her eye for detail and her understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ will create and integrate seamless business systems. Read More about Jodie…