I’m looking for a new sport or activity to take up. I’ve just quit the gym due to lack of funds, so whatever I take up must be fairly cheap. I also like non mainstream sporty options (ie not football, basketball or netball) and would prefer something a bit gentle (ie not a contact sport). Previous activities or sports I have been involved in have been Underwater Hockey, and I currently do Feldenkrais and Nordic Walking (see, all a bit non-mainstream), I also like a good gentle yoga class and pilaties but only with a really good instructor. Do you have any suggestions on a new activity I could take up?
Jodie Miners
Jodie Miners is the Director of The Detail Department. She can help your business move from vision to reality with the right systems for your business.
Her eye for detail and her understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ will create and integrate seamless business systems. Read More about Jodie…